Transformed – Teen Devotions – Archive 5

Year 5 of Transformed teen devotions.

Downloadable resources

20/20 Vision - See Jesus Better (January 2020)Download
20/20 Vision - See Identity Better (January 2020)Download
20/20 Vision - See Purpose Better (January 2020)Download
20/20 Vision - See His Power Better (January 2020)Download
Follow your heart to Jesus (February 2020)Download
Unfollow the fool (February 2020)Download
So it didnt work out (February 2020)Download
Save it for the real thing (February 2020)Download
Death and life (March 2020)Download
Sin and grace (March 2020)Download
Take out the trash (March 2020)Download
Return and be renewed (March 2020)Download
Practice makes perfect (March 2020)Download
Filled With Need (April 2020)Download
Filled With Hope (April 2020)Download
Filled With Praise (April 2020)Download
Filled With the Spirit (April 2020)Download
Confronting monsters: Disappointment (May 2020)Download
Confronting monsters: Fear (May 2020)Download
Confronting monsters: Envy (May 2020)Download
Confronting monsters: Bitterness (May 2020)Download
Confronting monsters: Doubt (May 2020)Download
God and Gender: What's the Truth? (June 2020)Download
God and Gender: Binary or a Spectrum? (June 2020)Download
God and Gender: Identity Crises (June 2020)Download
God and Gender: Satan's Baptism (June 2020)Download
Serving Christ boldly . . . in my family (July 2020)Download
Serving Christ boldly . . . by being a good friend (July 2020)Download
Serving Christ boldly . . . by looking out for my neighbor (July 2020)Download
Serving Christ boldly . . . within Christ's Church (July 2020)Download
A notification to notice (August 2020)Download
The business of forgiveness (August 2020)Download
Life's not fair (August 2020)Download
How could a loving God send people to hell? (August 2020)Download
God's good gifts (August 2020)Download
Play the song of brokenness and forgiveness (September 2020)Download
Play the song of unfailing love (September 2020)Download
Play the song that moves me (September 2020)Download
Play your best song Lord to give me courage (September 2020)Download
What is truth? (apologetics - October 2020)Download
God's love letter to you (apologetics - October 2020)Download
God's revelation (apologetics - October 2020)Download
Proclaiming with power (apologetics - October 2020)Download
God over government (November 2020)Download
Government over me (November 2020)Download
Christian citizens (November 2020)Download
Pray for and live in peace (November 2020)Download
The gospel comes first (November 2020)Download
The promise (December 2020)Download
The voice (December 2020)Download
The name (December 2020)Download
The place (December 2020)Download
  • 328.10 KB File Size
  • 52 File Count
  • September 29, 2021 Last Updated